9/11 National Day of Service
9/11 National Day of Service
I Will
This activation galvanized public engagement to turn a day of great tragedy into a day of great service, kindness and hope. 9/11 has been officially recognized by the White House as our National Day of Service and Remembrance and has now become the nation’s most impactful day of charitable service in U.S. history thanks to the millions of good deeds shared by civic leaders, celebrities and millions of everyday people.
As a result of the campaign, over 40 million Americans now observe 9/11 by engaging in charitable activities (up from 4 million), over one billion overall media impressions have been generated since 2011, and awareness that 9/11 is a day of service has jumped from 7.9% in 2011 to over 45% today.

Agencies: enso & Deutsch LA

Individual tributes made a collective impact.

Case study video.

Sculptures became platforms for participation. Tributes were made as people stood for service.

David Paine and Jay Winuk, founders of the 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance, launch “I Will” in Times Square.
Broadway performers sing "New York, New York" with a live orchestra to inspire tributes in support of the campaign.